One way to navigate life is by trying to control external circumstances—what others do, how they do it, and when events unfold. If you haven’t noticed, this strategy guarantees continuous effort and endless frustration.  Along the way, our health and relationships suffer, our stress levels increase, and our sense of satisfaction declines.

What if we had a fresh perspective that opened up new possibilities? 

Rather than perpetually striving to get things lined up just right, and reacting badly when things go wrong, we can learn to pause, consider and respond with thoughtful, effective action.

This is why cultivating the super capacity of resilience is so important.  We must constantly adapt and adjust to circumstances as they unfold, often times in unforeseen ways.  Because that’s the way life happens, we’ve identified “Five Adaptations to Life” that serve as the foundation to building RESILIENCE.




Have you ever completely avoided or tap-danced around having the real conversation? Maybe you have forced a fake smile and veneered your words with a layer of  “niceness” when you needed to be direct.  Have you noticed yourself holding back when you had something to say that went against the grain?  How about shutting down and disconnecting when creative tension was present in the room?  It’s time! Lets all start building the tolerance to gracefully move toward uncomfortable situations, rise above the fear and bring clarity.  When leaders courageously bring their authentic selves into the room - have real conversations and make real connections – others are then invited to bring their best selves forward.  Be the change!



We are all uniquely the same when it comes to stress responses. Some of us react when we feel like others aren’t taking our direction, or when it seems like we aren’t being heard or even when we are unexpectedly surprised by a circumstance we didn’t anticipate.   

Our automatic reactions are hard-wired in our nervous system, just like the urge to smile when we see a puppy. 

Simply paying attention to our reactive patterns, with a dose of humility and compassion, gives us the space and freedom to consider a fresh perspective.  Maybe it’s not raining on you – it’s simply raining!  


Choosing our response – our attitude – to any situation is the only true freedom we possess.
— Viktor Frankl


Some very wise words to live by - “Grit is the raw endurance, perseverance and passion that keeps you going despite obstacles.”  


This statement reminds us to become students of reality.  Our hopes, dreams and plans are essential to keep us motivated and moving on a positive path forward.  Life is full of possibility.


Inevitably, we bump up against difficulties in life.  Maybe we get caught in the stress of work and lose our balance and composure.  Maybe we get promoted or demoted, and find ourselves unsettled, unable to find our footing. Or maybe we reach the peak of our professional success, only to find we are still unsatisfied.  

Bringing grit is about learning to meet whatever arises – pleasant or unpleasant experience – with grace under pressure.  

Note to self: Refrain from the finger-pointing, complaining and nay-saying.  They are all energy-sucking and spirit-zapping actions.  





The irony is that sometimes we must SLOW down to go fast!

Do we really need to immediately and hastily react to that email and push send?  Do we really not have 30 minutes a day to turn off email and eat lunch or go for a walk?  Do we really not have 60 seconds to sit with a question before responding?  Do we really need to walk into our house in the evening and greet our partner with a phone glued to our ear?  Do we really?

The mind tells us that we need to be fast, know the answer, get it all done and don’t make mistakes.  Just like a high performing Ferrari, we need access to different speeds. We’ve got living fast down.  How about taking Life in the SLOW lane for a couple laps?

Wisely, and slow. They stumble that run fast.
— William Shakespeare


Have you ever noticed that little voice in your head that says things like, “You’re not good enough”, “Don’t say that, you’ll look stupid” or "How dare you believe you are ready for that promotion?”

Don’t worry – you’re not swimming upstream.  Most of us have some version of that Inner Critic voice.

Now, sit quietly and listen again. In the silence, there is movement.  The faint whisper of a different voice inside us can be heard.  That is the voice of our Inner Champion.  It speaks the language of kindness, perspective, and possibility.  Why not give that voice the lead role in your life’s autobiography?  

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.
— Lao Tzu

Please continue with Our Intention.